Sunday, August 19, 2007

Business cards

Some interesting ideas about business cards. I really like the fold-out one, it's really cute. The one that imitates the FedEx logo and the one that use note paper is really nice, too. Some of them are actually impractical, though (seriously, who would want to bring a bunch of plastic cards around?).

AIDS posters

You may find that I'm quite fond of posters about sex and AIDS. Why, I already skipped the propaganda thing with an AIDS poster anyway ^_^. Well, guess what, another post on AIDS posters. Yet again, it's a series of posters for a consulting organization. As you can see, most of the posting try to draw your attention and sympathy through eye contact. Messages were put in short sentences on a black background to help it become more prominent. The messages are, in my opinion, short and interesting enough to read. However, I think putting texts on black background doesn't help it to get that much attention though. Aside from that a little continuance between each sentences would really help (I don't see any in these posters at all). What's more, as I already mentioned, they have a whole series of these posters. Each of them aim for different type of people. Still, I find that they mostly concern how their family feels about it (you can see they all talk about sons, husbands, wives). Actually, there's one that talks a little about friends but in general these posters only target at people that is family-oriented. I like the way the designer play with anchorage in the first one.

Oh, and in the second one is it just me or those two' smiles looks really creepy? It remind me the kind of medicine in the Batman cartoon that the clown face guy often give his victims. These posters are published by London Lighthouse. You can find out more here (please note that there is 2 pages).

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Dynamix new media's website

Ok, this website is a little flashy, but that's what's I like about it. The layout is really good. It simple but very professional. I really like the way they list out their product package. The color bar on top is a little distracting, though. Still, it's small enough to not to draw too much attention form the viewers. Their style is really cute. The banner work well with the background color of the body. It makes me feel like I was looking at the mountains afar from a grassy field.

Persona 3's opening scene

I don't often post videos (well, I think"have never" would be more accurate) but I JUST have to post this one. It's from one of my most favourite game series of all time. Ladies and gentlemen, what you're about to watch is the opening scene of persona3 the latest in the "Shin megami tensei "series (it's a JRPG, which stand for Japanese roleplaying game, series, in case you don't know). I have to say that this opening scene is quite great. Well, it's not as great as the other opening scenes in the Final Fantasy series or any other smash hit games with flashy 3d animations. What's makes me concern here is that it's quite simple... I mean even one person can basically (BASICALLY) make that out of Flash (again, BASICALLY). Still, it looks great and very professional (well, actually, one person can easily make a MAD quite easily) . The song is catchy, too. It helps to enhance the the whole scene. Oh, a little extra more, the game is totally cool! Seriously, shooting yourself in the head to summon your innerself? How cool is that! (well, actually, that's a little...).
One more thing, here's the longer version. Just awesome. One little problem, you can make this one out of Flash, for sure(no, not even basically). It's practically an AMV now.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Can't blame me for the photo's quality, I took it with my phone's VGA camera. Besides, it was raining dog and cat at that time and the only thing I want is to grab any chance I have and get back home where my blanket and 5 chapters of Marketing principles is waiting for me(yep, mid-term T_T). Anyway, it's a poster encourage people who concern about HIV can call and ask for advices. I think it's pretty good. "When you need advice, we are the specialists. When you need to talk, we are your best friend", I like it. It really strike toward the vague minds of those who in need for advices. Besides from that, people like these also need someone who they can share their thought with, that's what the second phrase is for. Besides, best friend mean they are reliable and they can keep secret. The picture shows a female specialist talking to someone. "Someone" can mean anyone (female, in particular). She looks calm. That's gives an impression that's she's a professional. She also looks friendly enough to make you feel that you can trust her. In general, I think this poster is quite effective.

Text layout

Those are text layout. For the word "floating", I choose a script font with as much curve and as organic as possible because I think when talking about things that "float" people often think about things like balloon or something like that. I think that it should looks cute, too so I made as colorful as possible. For "explosion", I made the part "plo" bigger because it sounds like "blow" and I choose some hot color for it. For "collapse", I found this font quite long ago so I can't remember who made it. It called "caveman" and it looks great. I choose to stick with black and white because it the font looks best in this color (I tried some other colors but it didn't work well).