Sunday, July 1, 2007

Ghost city

During the preparation for my DIM2 presentation on "virtual urban", I stumbled on this site. There isn't any detail about it nor the artist that created it. Still, to me, the site is very interesting. It's a bit weird. The artist sure used a lot of text, pictures and many kinds of effects. It don't have that kind of sleek presentation but it create a very distinctive looks for itself. The first time visiting the site, you might feel a little confusing browsing around or you will even think that the pages was arranged randomly. Well, in fact, it's not. Each of the squares in the frontpage will lead you to a sets of pages related to a subject (you can tell by looking at the link). But well, at least that's what I think because, until now, I still don't have a clue about that site. But hey, that's the reason the site is great. The feeling of lostness when you are in this site is just the same as the feeling you have when travel into a city that's you completely unfamiliar with (it's just one of many objectives that the virtual urban project try to accomplish, the other objectives does not appear as clear as this one. May be that is the reason it was not as popular as that project). It triggered the curiosity of the visiters. In short, this isite is very interesting and you should pay a visit to it. Curiosity never kill a cat, you know (well sometime it does, for the other times, it's the the mouses that'd been killed but that's another story).

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